VolkerWessels Telecom ready for its fibre optic market ambitions
The roll-out of fibre optics in the Netherlands is back. At the end of 2018, the sector announced that, based on the ambitions it had expressed, some 1.8 million extra households were to be connected to the fibre optic network in the coming years. That’s good news for VolkerWessels Telecom. As an important player in the chain, we’ve revived our fibre optic operations under the name FttX.

Aim of FttX
The aim of FttX is to be able to respond to both existing and new customers’ demands for laying fibre optic cables. “For the design of FttX, we are also taking other future users into account. We can serve them with solutions for smart cities and 5G,” says Bastiaan Ruijg, business manager at VolkerWessels Telecom.
Responding quickly to market demands
FttX is already set up in such a way that we can immediately respond to market demands. From providing input for the design of a fibre optic network to sufficient availability of material and capacity, VolkerWessels Telecom is ready with FttX.