Network Design
A good network starts on the drawing board. VolkerWessels Telecom designs networks using digital techniques such as XYZ measurements, BIM and GIS.

Mapping out networks
The smart design choices of our team of engineers have a major impact on construction, management and maintenance. During the initiation and intake phase, we map out an underground or overground area using smart engineering, area analyses and coverage analyses. Based on these, we create a high- and low-level design, and prepare the fibre optic laying, maintenance and management in detail. From applying for permits, coordinating with stakeholders and acquiring locations to construction calculations, engineering and work preparation.
By 'digitising' our way of working, we are working ever smarter and more efficiently. Using XYZ delta t, we accurately record the coordinates of our cables and distribution points, which saves us hours of searching during the management and maintenance phase. Using BIM (Building Information Management), we not only record the location of our masts, but are also able to view the design and the installed equipment in a 3D model.

We connect all data to our geo-information system (GIS), the backbone of our work. With GIS, we create a map that shows detailed information for every square centimetre of the Netherlands – from coverage and permits to soil pollution and the location of cables and pipelines. This extensive database provides us with increasingly reliable data and enables us to set to work more quickly for our customers.