Service & Maintenance
VolkerWessels Telecom ensures stable and future-proof networks by means of smart management and maintenance.

Real-time network management
Prevention is better than cure. This also applies to the management and maintenance of networks. We monitor the infrastructure and connections in real time from our Network Operating Centres (NOC). Using smart data analyses, we carry out corrective maintenance as well as preventive maintenance, enabling us to prevent malfunctions and ensure that the end user can always be reached.

The engineer
All activities are carried out by organisation’s star players: our engineers. Apart from taking care of maintenance, quality checks, network optimisations and reconstructions, they also connect companies and households to the network. This means that we’re not only guests in public spaces, but also in the homes of consumers and businesses. Keywords for our engineers and Customer Service Desk colleagues are quality and technical expertise, as well as friendliness, service and customer focus.