Corona virus (Covid-19)
As the corona virus continues to hold its position on the world stage, staying connected to each other becomes more important than ever before. The ability to comfortably work from a home office or staying in touch with loved ones, will place greater reliance on a good functioning internet connection. VolkerWessels Telecom recognises the important role it will play in making this happen and is hard at work to ensure that optimal connectivity - right down to the last square centimeter - is achieved.

Measures to keep employees and environment healthy and safe.
Our operations are considered an essential service and we continue to work tirelessly in maintaining and expanding our telecoms networks in the Netherlands. However, VWT - like many other companies - must co-operate with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezond en Milieu (RIVM) to ensure that the virus is contained as much as possible. This means that all Dutch employees in the VWT offices are required to work from home as much as possible and to organize all meetings through digital channels.
Our work continues
Outsmarting the coronavirus means that we must adopt certain safety measures. This requires us to be conscious of how we interact with each other by not only maintaining the recommended 1,5 meter distance but by also wearing a mask if the this distance cannot be maintained. VolkerWessels Telecom strictly follows the laws, regulations and guidelines of the RIVM by regularly sharing LMRA’s and Safety Alerts to all our engineers. These instructions give our staff guidance on how to best protect themselves and the environment in which they work. For more information, please go to
Construction and Engineering sector – Moving forward
The Government – together with RIVM - has created a ‘Continue work Safely’ (Samen veilig Doorwerken) protocol for the Construction and Engineering sector. As optical fiber is classified under this sector, VWT will adhere to this protocol to ensure that our operations are compliant while we continue our business both inside and outside the house.
Stay updated
In these unprecedented times, we must all play our part in overcoming the spread of the corona virus. We will continue to update both our staff and customers as and when changes occur.