We guarantee compliance by way of certification, e.g. US and ISO certifications.

- SO 9001 is a certification for implementing a quality assurance policy.
- ISO 14001is a certification for achieving and improving environmental objectives based on established environmental aspects.
- ISO 27001is a certification aimed at the protection of customer and other information, and the availability of data.
- VCA is a Dutch acronym that stands for health, safety and the environment (HSE) checklist for contractors, and is intended to promote safe, healthy and environmentally-conscious working practices, and to reduce the number of accidents.
- CKB is a Dutch acronym that stands for the certification scheme for cable infrastructure and pipe-laying companies. This certificate aims to promote and guarantee quality, safety, environmental management and working conditions.
- CO2 Performance Ladder is an instrument to help with CO2 reduction. Information on our CO2 footprint and target can be found on our CO2 Performance Ladder page.
Certificates per business unit
The following business units hold these certificates:
VolkerWessels Telecom Infra
VolkerWessels Telecom Network Solutions
- ISO 9001
- ISO 27001
- ISO 14001
- CO2-bewust Certificaat niveau 4
- Certificaat Veiligheidsladder - trede 3
VolkerWessels Telecom Services